The Cape Town on a Dime series – exploring the world class Mother City on a budget! Because times are tough but hey, who wants to sit at home all day! You might know some of the places we’ll be visiting, you might not. One thing’s for sure though, it will definitely be wallet friendly. All photos in this series will be taken with my iPhone 6 because one can’t be held down by a bulky DSLR camera (bless their beautiful souls) while having a good time.

I’m a movie fanatic but I despise crowded malls and overpriced movie tickets. A catch 22 if there ever was any. Cue the Labia Theatre. This quaint theatre situated on Orange street in Cape Town’s leafy Gardens suburb, is the oldest independent art-repertory cinema in South Africa. It screens independent and foreign films, historical cinema and other alternative films.

Cape Town on a Dime series

Before your mind goes wondering off picturing a crowd of air-kissing, noses-turned-up snobs, let me guide you in the right direction. The theatre attracts all kinds of people – young, old, students and foreigners alike. It’s the perfect place to escape to when you want to unwind and catch a good movie away from the hustle and bustle of the malls. Did I mention you can take alcohol with you into the cinema? Yes dearies, this certainly isn’t your average old-world-charm establishment.

We recently went to see While We’re Young which was both hilarious and thought provoking. Tickets were R40 per person, a medium-sized popcorn is R15 and the alcohol comes in at R25 for a gin and tonic or rum and coke. There are also light snacks on offer such as sandwiches and pastries and a pie would set you back a mere R20. All very affordable if you ask me. There are also movie/meal combos available at certain restaurants that the Labia Theatre partnered with so be sure to visit their website.

So the next time you’re in the mood for a movie, head over to the Labia Theatre. Be warned though, you won’t be able to stay away.

xxx Tulips & Phoenixes xxx

Author: Gaynor

Half city dweller. Half road trip explorer. Full supporter of local South African travel!

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