Since I’ve started blogging over a year ago I’ve learnt and realised quite a few things. Some good, some bad and some simply informative. My blogging journey has definitely been one of self-discovery. So I thought I’d compile a little list of things I learnt from blogging.

1. I learnt how to do my brows!
Now this might sound trivial to some of you but saying that I was clueless on how to achieve the ‘brows on fleek’ look would be a major understatement. And given how important brows have become in this day and age, I’d definitely say it deserves the number one spot!

2. Blogging introduced me to social media

Yes it’s the shameful truth that I had no clue what Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest were actually about until I started my blog and it became pretty much mandatory to join those platforms. Now I can spend hours scrolling through pins because it’s so addictive!

3. I’ve learnt to embrace my quirky vintage style.
I must admit, my personal style used to be a bit all other the place but since I’ve settled into my love for mixing vintage with a hint of modern day trends it’s become so much easier to control my shopping habits and plan my everyday outfits. More importantly, it’s okay to be different from the crowd – everyone doesn’t have to like your sense of style. As long as you feel good when you walk out of that door.

4. I’ve learnt not to be so hard on myself and to be more accepting of my flaws
Photoshop and editing apps make people appear way more perfect than they actually are which can lead to the rest of us feeling quite insecure. That’s why I’m very vocal about my ‘imperfections’ because I hate seeing woman feel bad about themselves.

5. I’ve also brushed up on my DIY skills
There are so many nifty things one can make yourself in the comfort of your own home and sometimes without even having to hit the shops which is great because I hate crowded malls.

6. I’ve realised that you don’t have to physically meet someone to have something in common with them
I’ve come across quite a few bloggers whose way of thinking and style I totally agree with and I’ve only ever interacted with them through blog post and social media comments!

7. Blogging has also helped me step out of my introvert shell. I’m an introvert by nature but as soon as I take my blog’s look post pictures it’s as if the extrovert in me takes over and I just transform into this performer!

8. Time management!
I learnt very early on to schedule my time on the internet. This includes the time it takes to create my blog posts as well as catching up on other blogs because if I don’t stop myself I might be here for hours on end!

9. Stick to my guns and know my worth
PR companies and brands have a tendency to think that because you’re a fairly new blogger that you’ll be desperate for attention and will therefore try to take advantage of you. Don’t let that happen.

10. Life doesn’t revolve around blogging
We bloggers sometimes get so engrossed in promoting our blogs through our social media networks that we spend hours on our cell phones, disconnected from the real world and the people who really matter in our lives. Blogging is supposed to be fun, it’s not meant to feel obligatory or induce feelings of FOMO.

And those are the 10 things I’ve learnt from blogging during my short blog journey thus far. I’m sure many more things will still be added to the list as time goes by because as I always like to say – life is an ever-changing journey of discovery.

xxx Tulips & Phoenixes xxx

Author: Gaynor

Half city dweller. Half road trip explorer. Full supporter of local South African travel!

2 Replies to “10 Things I Learnt from Blogging

  1. It’s nice to read something so refreshing after my mini blog break! I 100% agree with all the things you just mentioned! Totally on the same page!!

    I have to say your blog just looks better everyday! And I find myself identifying with you also calling it a creative writing blog! I just have even less and less time for fashion blogging ( which I’m drawn to most) and just finding myself talking about things that I go through everyday!

    So you inspire me a lot!!

    Much Love,

    1. Wow what a beautiful comment, thank you Jabi! I definitely also find myself more drawn to blogs that talk about real life issues and lessons. Absolutely love your blog too <3

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