Well at least strawberry picking at Mooiberge was the plan for the day… It’s that time of the year again when everyone in Cape Town becomes obsessed with big, juicy, ripe strawberries and eagerly enquire on social media which strawberry farms would be the best to go to for picking. So it was only obvious that I wanted to go pick my own strawberries too. Mooiberge farm is somewhat of a showstopper on the R44 in Stellenbosch with its colourful scarecrows lining the strawberry fields. Then there’s the farm stall too, selling everything from jams and homemade biscuits to outdoor furniture and wine!

Mooiberge strawberry farm

But while we were admiring the strawberry fields from the restaurant deck, something caught our eye across the road. It was the ever popular Root 44 market at the Audacia farm. We decided to go check it out seeing as though we’d heard so much about it and the fact that we were right across from it. I love local markets so it’s not as if I needed much convincing anyway! The market is a bustling hive of activity with everything from kiddies clothing to shabby chic decor on offer. Hubby got himself some beard tonic (yes that’s a thing now) which I must say has made his beard super soft. I especially loved the craft section as it’s always nice to see what can be created with a bit of imagination. Upcycling has always fascinated me – turning an unwanted item into something beautiful is amazing!

Root 44 market


Root 44 market

Of course I wanted to head to the food section after all that browsing and this market doesn’t disappoint in that department either. We grabbed some chicken wraps and drinks and headed to the outside seating area where we enjoyed our food to the sounds of the live band playing some old favourites. The market also has a kiddies play and food section so adults don’t have to worry about keeping the little ones occupied. Just before we headed home, we got some cinnamon pancakes and coffee for the road which was of course thee best ever!

Root 44 market

Root 44 market

Root 44 market

Mooiberge strawberry farm is open for strawberry picking on Saturdays and Sundays which coincides perfectly with the Root 44 market, so be sure to pop into both when you’re in the area! Oh and just in case you’re wondering, we did buy a punnet of strawberries from the farm stall before we left ;-)

strawberry picking mooiberge





Author: Gaynor

Half city dweller. Half road trip explorer. Full supporter of local South African travel!

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